Even dentists need dental fillings

People often ask me " Who is YOUR dentist, Do you do your own dentalwork?"
i have been fortrunate to live very close to my college roommate and good friend , Dr. Kashani. he has been working on my teeth for 27 years. I also have heard of so many dentists working on their own teeth using a mirror, which is really scary and unprofessional.
Last week i foud out that I have a new cavity and made the trip to MY dentist office. Everything went really smmoth and he used a new composite (tooth colored) filling material.
the filling was deep and inthe last molar. So the access was a challenge and to top all of this I gag easily.
The procedure was done nicely and I survived without gagging too much. I have no issues or sensitivity in the new filling and enjoy chewing on it.
I hope your next visit to your dentist will be a pleasant one as well .
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