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Payment plan/Financing for dental Treatment


Almost everyday a patient asks us if we offer any payment plan options to help them with the cost of dental treatment. I am happy to report that today more than anytime in the past, there are options available.

We work closely with Care credit, a financing institution that only works with the health care industry. Upon approval ,they will pay for the entire amount of approval. Patient has from 6 months to a year to pay off the balance with no interst. However if the total is not paid by 6month (or a year depending on the balance) the interest starts accuring.

Our most common method is slightly diferrent. Upon agreement of treatment patient pays 50% of the cost up front and provide us with authoriztion to debit/credit card every month for the amount agreed. the amount of payments depend on the total cost of treatment. this eleminates the need for sending statements and collection problems. if you have any questions please call Westminster Family Dentistry at



Kaweh Farahbod D.D.S Kaweh Farahbod was born in Iran on 7/15/1964. after finishing high school , he moved to the united states to complete his higher education. He completed his undergraduate studies and doctorate degree from university of Nebraska -Lincoln. After practicing dentistry for 5 years in grand Island ,Nebraska he moved to California . He settled in san clemente with his wife Marjan and their two daughters. He enjoys reading ,hiking and Lakers Basketball.

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